Monday, May 23, 2011

PLAY Reunion Over

It was just announced via play-mania that Anais Lameche, Sanne Karlsson and Emelie Norenberg have split! The news comes just a couple months after Anais announced that Faye Hamlin had dropped out of the reunion. It's sad but we wish them all the best here at Anna Sundstrand Fans as PLAY was Anna's life from the time she was 11 until she was 16 years old.

Original PLAY members Faye Hamlin, Rosanna Munter, Anna Sundstrand and Anais Lameche

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Get Well Anna

Everyone please pray for Anna! She just posted that she is in the hospital!!

Anna posted this picture on her Facbook page but she is doing ok! She posted this comment thanking everyone for their love and get well wishes...

"Not the BEST day if I say so..." - Anna 5/17/11
She commented family, friends and fans and said this:



Friday, May 13, 2011


Sorry it's taking a few days to get things up and running.. Keep checking back it should be all done soon... I hope lol

There hasn't been much news on Anna except that she is in Sweden meeting with publishes and other people for her upcoming book! So check back for more news! Also here's a new photoshoot picture from Anna's photoshoot she did earlier this month in Central Park!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hey y'all and welcome to Anna Sundstrand Fans! This site is an unofficial fansite for Swedish singer/model/actress Anna Sundstrand who was also one of the four original members of the popular Swedish pop group PLAY!! Enjoy!