Monday, April 30, 2012

New Picture

Anna posted a picture from her Swimsuit photoshoot that she did last year on her Instagram account!

Anna looks stunning and I'll keep my eye out for more from this shoot and her Central Park shoot!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anna Sundstrand Represented by Ryan Colby

Anna is now being represented by Colby Models!! CM foudner and CEO Ryan Colby posted on his Facebook that his company will now be representing Anna in her career! We wish them the best of luck in their partnership and hope to hear new news in the near future!!


Monday, April 9, 2012

HQ Photo from 2006 Calendar

Back in 2006 Anna did a calendar while she was modeling for MMG! I came across an HQ and larger version of the picture for July

Monday, April 2, 2012

VIP Talent Connect Event Video

On October 2, 2010 Anna was a guest speaker at the VIP Talent Connect Event in New York. The video for the conference has surfaced. Anna appears in the video at 3:18 and her speech starts at 8:22 you can watch the video here:

VIP Talent Connect Event - Kobie Brown Marthe Reynolds Anna Sundstrand (Part Seven) from The It Factor Productions on Vimeo.