Thursday, November 14, 2013


Anna is still in Sweden and hasn't updated anyone on her music or book yet but she has been up to quite a lot as of late.

Anna and her mom attended the Lars Wallin Exhibition in Stockholm on July 16th and on July 20th she found her Gold Record she got while in PLAY for their first album while organizing her closet...

"Found this in my closet 2 day! Sooo long ago but I will never forget the day we got this!" - Anna
 Also on November 9th Anna announced that she is getting a new puppy!! They little yorkie will be joining Anna's older dog Diesel in December!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Photo

Anna uploaded another new picture to her Instagram and Facebook accounts! This time the photo is from her Swimsuit Photoshoot she did in early 2011!!

"From latest photoshoot... :)" - Anna
I'll post more as soon as them become available!! Also, sorry for the lack of updates things have been pretty quite as of late. Also, Happy Belated Birthday to Anna's mom Ann who's birthday was Oct 7th

Photo From Swimsuit Photoshoot

Anna shared this never-before-seen picture from when she was in Los Angeles in 2009
"Found this old pic!" - Anna
I'll do an "update" post in the next few days

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is mother's day so I want to take this time to wish Anna's mom, my mom and the rest of the moms and mom-to-be's out there a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Hope you all have a wonderful mother's day spending it with the women who brought us all into this world.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy 24th Birthday Anna

Today Anna turns 24 years old! Time is clearly flying by though she hasn't changed a day in the last 13 years! Wishing Anna a very happy day!!


Monday, February 18, 2013

New Unseen Modeling Picture

Anna posted another unseen modeling photo this time from 2007 back when she was 18!

"They yea was 2007... :)" - Anna

Also, don't forget Anna's 24th Birthday is in a few day!! Make sure you all wish her a happy birthday on Feb 22nd!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Diesel Update

Anna updated us all on her Facebook today!! She thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers for her dog Diesel and updated us all on his condition...

I will continue to pray that poor little Diesel makes a full recovery :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Pray for Diesel

Anna posted that her dog Diesel has been sick and asked us all for their prayers. Poor little Diesel has a serious neck injury that he was born with which is causing him a lot of pain. Get well soon Diesel we are all praying for you little guy...

Two days ago she posted a picture on  her Instagram of Diesel at the vet saying he wasn't feeling well... GET WELL SOON DIESEL!!