I posted yesterday that I found a "teaser" trailer of Anna's movie The Truth About Layla, well last night while looking for news on our beloved Swede I came across a site that has both official trailers for BOTH of Anna's movies and official posters! Also, I found out that both movies were shown at a screening in 2014 in California and was covered by Variety! And, that both of the movies' titles have been changed. The Perfect Argument is now officially titled 'Gone Astray' and The Truth About Layla is now officially called 'Split Second'
Gone Astray Official Trailer
Split Second Official Trailer
Here are the official movie posters for Anna's movies!
Here is the schedual for the 2014 American Film Market
Split Second was shown on:
November 5th, 7th and 8th, 2014
Gone Astray was shown on:
November 5th, 7th and 8th, 2014